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The Center for Exoplanets & Habitable Worlds seeks to discover planets beyond our solar system, to characterize planetary systems and their host stars, and to understand the implications of the abundance of potentially habitable planets for the possibility of life beyond Earth and the origins of our own solar system.   —   Learn More

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Using machine learning, modeling to detect Earth-like planets

Posted on Jun 14, 2024 in Press Coverage | 0 comments

The Institute for Computational & Data Sciences wrote a faculty profile on CEHW Professor Eric...

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Massive planet too big for its own sun pushes astronomers to rethink exoplanet formation

Posted on Nov 30, 2023 in Exoplanet & Brown Dwarf Surveys, Featured, Planet-forming & Debris Disks, Press Coverage, Research, Star & Planet Formation | 0 comments

Congrats to former CEHW graduate student, Dr. Gudmundur Stefansson, and the rest of the team on their recent paper in Science that reports the discovery of a Neptune-mass exoplanet in close orbit around a very...

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Earth-like planets could form even in the harshest environments

Posted on Nov 30, 2023 in Featured, Planet-forming & Debris Disks, Press Coverage, Research, Star & Planet Formation | 0 comments

CEHW Professor Eric Feigelson is a member of the XUE (eXtreme UV environments)...

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Many exoplanets have nearly circular orbits

Posted on Nov 2, 2023 in Exoplanet & Brown Dwarf Surveys, Orbital Dynamics, Press Coverage, Statistical Methodology & Data Analysis | 0 comments

New analysis of observational data from NASA’s Kepler space telescope catalogs...

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Andrea Lin awarded Downsbrough Graduate Fellowship

Posted on Apr 7, 2023 in Awards & Honors, News | 0 comments

Each year, the Downsbrough Graduate Fellowship recognizes the accomplishments...

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Jiayin Dong honored with 2022 Penn State Alumni Dissertation Award

Posted on Mar 28, 2022 in Awards & Honors, News | 0 comments

Graduate student Jiayin Dong is a 2022 recipient of the Alumni Association...

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