A very stealthy alias: the impostor planet of Barnard’s star
Introduction One of the signature targets of HPF’s search for nearby exoplanets is Barnard’s star, the second-closest star...
Read MoreRapid Formation of Super-Earths Around Low-Mass Stars
Simulating the formation of super-Earths around M dwarfs A recent study accepted for publication in the Monthly Notices of the Royal...
Read MoreTarget Prioritization for the NEID Earth Twin Survey
The NEID Earth Twin Survey The NEID spectrograph, designed and built by a team led by CEHW Professor Suvrath Mahadevan, was installed at...
Read MoreCEHW astronomers develop model for the distribution of inner planetary systems
Statistical model may help unravel the mystery of apparently single-planet systems and aid exoplanet-seeking missions Data from the Kepler...
Read MoreWhere to search for signs of life
A recent study accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal proposes a new strategy for searching for biosignatures, chemical...
Read MoreHPF discovers a Jupiter transiting the cool star TOI-1899
HPF has confirmed the planetary nature of a single-transiting Jupiter-sized planet (1.15 Jupiter radii) orbiting a nearby low mass M dwarf...
Read MoreHPF discovers a warm super Neptune – TOI-1728b
The Discovery A component of HPF’s on-sky time is used to follow up on potential planets discovered by NASA’s Transiting...
Read MoreA young sub-Neptune-sized planet sheds light onto how planets form and evolve
UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — The detailed characterization of a young planet slightly smaller than Neptune provides insight into how such...
Read MoreSub-Neptune sized planet validated with the Habitable-zone Planet Finder
A signal originally detected by the Kepler spacecraft has been validated as an exoplanet using the Habitable-zone Planet Finder (HPF), an...
Read MoreLooking for aliens who might be looking for us
Data from a massive search for cosmic radio emission released Feb 14. by the Breakthrough Listen Initiative—the most comprehensive survey...
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