New planet in Kepler-51 system discovered using James Webb Space Telescope
The unusual system of three ‘super puff’ planets has at least one more planet, revealed by its gravitational tug on other...
Read MoreA young sub-Neptune-sized planet sheds light onto how planets form and evolve
UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — The detailed characterization of a young planet slightly smaller than Neptune provides insight into how such...
Read MoreHabitability of Exoplanet Water Worlds
“Water world” planets, those covered with a deep global ocean, could maintain surface conditions similar to that of the Earth for over a...
Read MoreMeasuring Rocky Exoplanet Compositions with the James Webb Space Telescope
NASA NExSS and NPP postdoc Dr. Eva Bodman recently published a paper on “Inferring the Composition of Disintegrating Planet...
Read MoreAstronomers discover sunscreen snow falling on hot exoplanet
Astronomers at Penn State have used the Hubble Space Telescope to find a blistering-hot giant planet outside our solar system where the...
Read MoreNew planet found to be hotter than most stars
A newly discovered Jupiter-like world is so hot that even its nights are like the flame of a welding torch. The gas giant has a “year”...
Read MorePandExo: Online Tool for Simulating JWST & HST Observations of Transiting Exoplanets
We are happy to announce the avaliability of PandExo, an online tool and python package for simulating observations of transiting...
Read MoreA Flip-Flopping Climate Could Explain Mars’s Watery Past
A new hypothesis might reconcile two opposing theories that have tried to explain Mars’s mysterious history for more than 40 years....
Read MoreShredding Exoplanets, And The Mysteries They May Unravel
CEHW Prof. Jason Wright’s research was featured in ManyWorlds, a blog sponsored by NASA’s Nexus for Exoplanet Systems Science....
Read MoreWater Detected in the Atmosphere of a Hot Jupiter Exoplanet!
“Today, colleagues and I announced the detection of water in an exoplanet that does not transit its parent star.” Read more on...
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