Seminar Series
CEHW Seminars
Normally, Center for Exoplanets & Habitable Worlds seminars start Mondays 11:15pm Eastern time during Fall & Spring semesters. CEHW Seminars have returned to being primarily in person, with a Zoom option for remote participation as needed on a best-effort basis.
If you’re interested in being informed of call-in information for future CEHW hybrid/virtual seminars, please send your name and email to
We ask remote attendees to:
- Mute their audio and video when not asking a question (so as to maximize audio quality for people speaking),
- Use the “Raise Hand” option to ask a question (so the speaker or host knows you have a question), and
- Consider whether voice or the chat box is better for their particular A/V set-up and/or question.
Please be aware that the seminar may be recorded and made available to audiences within and/or beyond the Penn State community.