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Stellar Characterization & Variability


Our understanding of exoplanets is directly dependent on our understanding of their host stars.  We measure planetary masses in terms of their host stars’ masses, we infer elemental abundance ratios from those in the atmosphere of their host star, and we infer surface temperatures and conditions informed by their host stars’ luminosities, ages, and activity levels.  We also learn about the planet formation process through statistical comparisons of the properties of planet-hosting stars to those known not to host certain classes of planets.  Host star properties are determined primarily through spectroscopic analysis, and by comparisons with benchmark stars, such as the Sun, and stars in benchmark clusters.

Areas of Specialty

  • Space-based photometry & Astroseismology (Wright)
  • Stellar magnetic activity (Mahadevan)
  • Stellar variability (Ford, Wright)
  • High-resolution stellar spectroscopy (Wright)

Faculty Contacts

  • Howard Bond is interested in white dwarfs, planetary nebulae and their central stars, post-AGB stars, globular clusters, microlensing, and variable stars.
  • Eric Ford characterizes stellar variability with the goal of improving the sensitivty of Doppler planet surveys.
  • Suvrath Mahadevan is interested in characterizing the properties of low-mass stars and the implications for planet surveys targeting M stars, such as the Habitable Zone Planet Finger key survey.  Mahadevan is also the leader of a project using the APOGEE spectrograph to observe planet host stars identified by NASA’s Kepler mission.
  • Jason Wright and his group members use high resolution spectroscopic analysis an comparisons with benchmark stars, including those in the until-recently-underappreciated old, nearby open cluster Ruprecht 147, to determine properties of exoplanet host stars, including their masses, ages, and compositions.



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